Remember a few months ago, when I asked if you would take a survey for me to get to know you better? Well, I was just blown away with the number of responses and I want you know know that I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Here are some of the results from the survey:
When asked which of this list Bake at 350 readers found to be delicious....
98% said cookies (good),
91% said cupcakes,
brownies came in at 84%,
as did chocolate (84%)...
...and only 14% of you said Jon Hamm.
Ladies, and all 7 of you guys out there, please let me introduce you to a little show called Mad Men. We are watching the episodes through NetFlix and are absolutely hooked.
And I asked what you'd like to see more of on the blog, here's what you said:
- more cookies
- tutorials and how-to's
- videos (let me lose 10 pounds first!)
- cookie decorating tips
- "Jon Hamm eating a cupcake"
Well, here you go, honey...this was the best I could do!
{My husband thought I was enjoying editing this photo a little too much!}
Alright...back to Backwards WFMW...
What cookie decorating questions do you have? Are you having issues with certain steps of decorating?
I don't have all the answers by a long shot, but I might have a few. I'll answer your questions in a future WFMW. Leave a comment here or feel free to email me by clicking on "contact" at the top of the page.