So, this is not exactly a well-rounded list of Thanksgiving ideas, but I hope you like it.
2. If you're family is into math, or corny puns, how about making them some pumpkin PI (cookies)?
3. These little turkeys are made from a flower cookie cutter, and they just make me happy. They would be really fun to make with the kiddos while they're home this week.
4. Let's talk turkey (literally): our family always has a smoked turkey, but these mayonnaise roasted, one beer can with bacon...have me wanting to make a second one. Mayonnaise? Bacon? *sigh* I love food.
5. OK, so now that we've discussed the main dish, let's get back to dessert, shall we? How about Pumpkin Cheesecake CAKE?!?
6. Or maybe...Caramel Pie? Not Caramel Apple Pie, just caramel pie. Have I mentioned Robyn is a genius?
7. It's me...being bossy again. But, you guys...this *really* should be on your dessert table.
8. Sweet Potato Pie: think you like pumpkin pie? You haven't tried sweet potato. It's time.
9. Need a crust for those pies? This is my go-to.
11. Last but not least, turkey cake pops. Thanksgiving really doesn't get any cuter than this.
As we head into Thanksgiving week, I wish you all short check-out lines at the grocery store, a parking space by the cart return, and venti Starbucks to get you through the planning/shopping/prepping/cooking.