You may have noticed that the blog has been a little quiet lately. We even missed last Saturday's Trader Joe's review.
The last few weeks have been busy, busy, busy. Two short trips for me (but are you like me and a short trip involves at least 3 days of prep: shopping, errands, the all important pedicure, packing...and then one day to recover, so that a 3 day trip is more like 7?)...kiddo's Confirmation, and our school's big fundraising gala. Can you guess which mom can't say no to signing up for every committee? You guessed it.
I've come to realize over the years that busy is not my strong suit. Some people thrive on it...and are GREAT at sister, my friend Beverly...they can juggle 4 and 5 kids respectively, plan parties, volunteer, clean the house, have the laundry ironed, and redecorate a room all while wearing a smile and lipstick...and I bet they'd be able to keep up with a blog as well. Me? Not so much. Hence, the blog has been on the back burner lately.
ANYWAY...kiddo...(Can we call him Jack now? Yes, I think we can.) JACK celebrated his Confirmation earlier this month. It was the most beautiful ceremony and the most beautiful day.
Mr. E and I sat in the front row in, it's amazing what you can see up there (!)...and the absolute JOY on the teens' faces as they were confirmed was something to behold.
Here are a few pictures from the reception in the gym. (Why is the lighting in gyms always horrible?!?) Here's Jack with some of his dear friends, his Confirmation sponsor...and us. I'll confess that as this picture was taken, I was saying to myself, "don't do the squinchy eyes; don't do the squinchy eyes." It didn't work.
Confirmation cookies...they're so easy to make.
This cookie cutter was purchased at Target at Christmastime, but you can find some other dove cookie cutters here, here, here, and here.
To make the dove cookies, you'll need:
- cut-out cookies, dove shape
- royal icing, tinted with AmeriColor Bright White
- #2 & #1 icing tips and coupler
- disposable icing bags
- squeeze bottles
- toothpicks
- food coloring pens: black and orange
Use a #2 tip to outline the dove shape. Reserve some of this icing for piping details later.
Thin the icing with water, a bit at a time, stirring with a silicone spatula, until it is the consistency of a thick syrup. You'll want to drop a "ribbon" of icing back into the bowl and have it disappear in a count of "one thousand one, one thousand two." Four is too thick, one is too thin. Count of 2-3 is good. Cover with a damp dishcloth and let sit for several minutes.
Stir gently with a silicone spatula to pop and large air bubbles that have formed. Pour into a squeeze bottle. Fill in the outlines with the thinned icing, using a toothpick to guide to the edges and to pop large air bubbles.

Let the cookies set for about 1 hour. Switch the tip to a #1 and add the white detail piping and personalize, if desired

Let the cookies dry, uncovered, 6-8 hours or overnight.

Once the icing is completely dry, use food coloring pens to add a beak and an eye.
Place in a treat bag, tie with ribbon, and you have Confirmation gifts at the ready. ♥
Stir gently with a silicone spatula to pop and large air bubbles that have formed. Pour into a squeeze bottle. Fill in the outlines with the thinned icing, using a toothpick to guide to the edges and to pop large air bubbles.
Let the cookies set for about 1 hour. Switch the tip to a #1 and add the white detail piping and personalize, if desired
Let the cookies dry, uncovered, 6-8 hours or overnight.
Once the icing is completely dry, use food coloring pens to add a beak and an eye.
Place in a treat bag, tie with ribbon, and you have Confirmation gifts at the ready. ♥