Hi friends! I just wanted to call your attention to a few changes on the ol' blog. :)
1. Bake at 350 can now be found at bakeat350.net! There's a long story behind this that I won't bore you with...unless it's over cocktails, but yes...the blog is now a .net. Not to worry if you've ever bookmarked or pinned a recipe, those links will all still work! You should still be receiving posts via email and reader.
(The blog is still hosted on blogger, just the URL has changed.)
I can't wait to show you some other changes!!! If you're reading this via a reader or email, please click over!
2. I've been working with the lovely Carrie from Carrie Loves on some much needed and overdue updates to the blog. (If you blog or have a website that needs some work, I cannot recommend Carrie highly enough. She goes above and beyond...not to mention, she's lightning fast!)
3. Drop-Down Menus! *cue angels singing* I'm way overdue on this. Now the recipe index and cookie index are easily accessible from the navigation bar. (Also, this forced me to update my very neglected indexes. I promise to keep up with them now.)
Here's the cookie index:
...and what you'll see when you make a selection. (This is the cut-out cookies recipe index.)
4. There's more! These cute little circles at the end of each post will suggest similar content. I had something like this before, but Carrie made it better...and cuter. I'm all for cuter.
5. Mobile friendly! If you're on your phone, you'll see that the blog is now more mobile-friendly. Yay!
Can you believe that December will mark 10 years of Bake at 350?!? Thanks so much to you all for reading, whether you're one of the 3 reading from the start, or you're just finding the blog today! ♥