My shopping cart was filled to the brim with Trader Joe's goodies...truffles, and candies, and pastries...oh my! On my way to the register, I saw this bag of Peppermint Bark Popcorn, and there was just no resisting that cute packaging.
A 6-ounce bag of peppermint bark popcorn costs $2.99. The description on the package reads, "caramel popcorn coated in dark chocolate & enrobed in a white chocolate and peppermint candy coating."
She says: No. Just no. You know those "butter mints"...the ones that are pastel and chalky? I hate those mints. (Such vitriol for a mint, I know.) This tastes like those mints wrapped around a stale piece of popcorn. I never expected not to like these! If you're a butter mint lover, these might be your favorite. I'm actually curious to read Mr. E's review because I think he's a fan.
Overall rating: 1 of 5 stars
Overall rating: 1 of 5 stars
He says: Excellent peppermint crunch and balance on the outside. The popcorn on the inside is crisp, not chewy. And I'm intrigued by the use of "enrobed" on the package...I've never seen that word having anything to do with food. I would have liked more "enrobing;" that's kind of the point of coated popcorn. The three pieces for my taste test were just right for round one.
Overall rating: 3 of 5 stars
Overall rating: 3 of 5 stars
Trader Joe's Peppermint Bark Popcorn: Pass.
[note: We have no affiliation with Trader Joe's. I'm sure they have never read this blog and have no idea who we are. Hey, we like being incognito, although we never wear sunglasses indoors. ;)]
Read all of our reviews of Trader Joe's treats and sweets here!
12 Days of Trader Joe's Christmas:
Day 1: Peppermint Mini Ice Cream Cones
Day 2: Snowflake Pastry