Whether you're making a Double Cocoa Pumpkin Smoothie, Spiced Pumpkin Cut-Out Cookies, Pumpkin Bread, or any of the other pumpkin recipe out there, you'll want to use a good canned pumpkin puree.
There are many canned pumpkin comparisons on the interwebs, but how many of those reviewers can say that they have some version of a pumpkin/cocoa smoothie for breakfast five days a week for most of the year?
(My current favorite is a version of this smoothie with almond milk, a shot of decaf espresso, pumpkin, vanilla protein powder, cocoa powder, collagen powder, vanilla, and a pinch of salt and cayenne. It's so good!)
Oh, and before I share my favorites, let me stress that you always want to buy pumpkin puree, NOT pumpkin pie filling. All four of these are 100% pumpkin with nothing added.
My favorite canned pumpkin...
HEB Organics Pumpkin
It's thick, smooth, and tastes great. I realize that only Texans will be able to access this, but it is my go-to.
Second place canned pumpkin...
Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin
It's a classic and a household name for a reason. It's consistent and always works! The label looks updated this year.
Third place canned pumpkin...
365 Organic Pumpkin Puree
I like the consistency of the puree, but I have noticed that I can feel bits of pumpkin in my drink even when making my smoothies on the high-power smoothie setting. That doesn't happen with the others.
My last place canned pumpkin...
Farmer's Market Pumpkin Puree
Almost every year, I get sucked into buying this by the cute label. And then I remember...it's much thinner than the rest. Because of that, I don't trust it in recipes. Don't be like me.
Now, go forth and PUMPKIN, my friends!
I suggest you start with these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars...or anything pumpkin on this list of favorite October recipes!