First, let me say, I see my inbox is full of emails and cookies questions and I promise I will respond very soon! Here's my excuse...m...
....There's a New Bar in Town! Flavor-of-the-Month: Lemon-Lime Edition If you love lemon squares, you'll flip over these Key Lime B...
{ FoodBuzz 24, 24,24 is a blogging event hosted by FoodBuzz. One night per month, 24 bloggers host 24 meals in the same 24 hours...I'm...
Have you heard of Sunflower Baking ? Laura does some of the most creative cookie work I've seen... AND she was nice enough to share so...
...Jenny from the Picky Palate . Thanks so much to all of you for entering and thanks to the Layer Cake Shop for the giveaway!!! Pssst...h...
Just take a look at this neat little piping bag holder I picked up at Hobby Lobby last week! It's so great and now I don't have to ...
This summer we adopted two kittens from the animal shelter. Want to see them? {That's Spike on the left and Bluebell on the right. Thi...
Oh joy!!! Have you seen this adorable baking supply website called Layer Cake Shop ? Well, guess what? Layer Cake Shop is offering their ...
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