Sometimes you're lucky enough to be where the magic happens. Last weekend, I was here... Have a guess?   How about now? ...
Every now and then, husbands know best. I'd been decorating cookies for a couple of years...I always decorated at night after putting...
My mom was one of those people who had a great group of girlfriends wherever we lived.  There were always parties and get-togethers and ...
...this is where things get a bit surreal for me. You might remember several months ago I mentioned that I was working on a book.  A book ...
College course catalogs really should include more detail.   For example: A description of Astronomy 101 might read like,   "Introd...
Has this happened to you? You've spent hours mixing colors, outlining and flooding.  Your cookies look perfectly perfect. You decide t...
I've always wanted to say that.  Now if I can just figure out a reason to title a post, " 'ello Govna. " Let's talk ...
It's a holiday week (weekend?).  These holidays that fall mid-week always confuse me. No matter what you call it, a cocktail is defin...
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