I'm not that sure I can adequately describe my love for the Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with Marzipan bar.  It completes me. My lo...
Shelly , Kristan , and I are declaring this week CANDY BAR WEEK!!!  I'm not sure if that makes it official, but I plan on marking i...
Here's one thing I learned about making Texas-themed cookies: people not from Texas don't necessarily know about bluebonnets.  They ...
...{clap, clap, clap, clap} Deep in the Heart of Texas (and LA!) Yes.   Please do a little *squeal* with me.  That IS Jim Parsons.  Ea...
Two cookies always beat one, yes?  Last year, I made little double-decker bunnies and thought this year needed some double-decker action...
How do I know that these are a few of YOUR favorite things? Because they're a few of MY favorite things, and well, we're kindred ...
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