Valentine Emoji Cookies

how to make valentine emoji cookies ♥

If you're decorating some Valentine cookies this weekend, how about some Valentine emoji cookies? There's something so irresistible about them.

*this cookie tutorial is sponsored by Imperial Sugar

how to make valentine emoji cookies ♥

I chose three faces that I thought captured Valentine's Day: the wink, the kissy face, and the heart eyes. I'll admit to using all three of these on a regular basis.

They're fairly simple to make, especially with one trick I'm going to show you for the base layer. I'll also share the step-by-step decorating instructions, the size cookie cutter for the perfect emojis, as well as recipes. Woo hoo!

how to make valentine emoji cookies ♥

It's all happening over on the Imperial Sugar Blog, Sweetalk. ♥  
What's your most used emoji? (Mine is the red surprise there.)

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